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01-23-2009, 04:42 AM
Anthony is offline Anthony
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A lot of people share the same thought which is why it helps to illustrate that if they're well thought out, not in stupid places (i.e. nose, neck, face, fingers), they can be tastefully hidden from show.

To me, tattoo's are personal. All of my tattoo's I have because I either feel strongly about what they represent, they have personal meaning to me or are in memory of somebody in my life. I never walk around with them on show, why should I pay the money I pay to let other people appreciate what I have on my skin. They're for me, I just wish most other people shared my a tattoo artist it's hard to accept that sometimes people just want to show off, or look absolutely ridiculous with terrible designs in the most awkward of places.

It's like the old saying goes...."you can't educate pork".

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