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09-20-2009, 09:10 PM
kye is offline kye
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kye is on a distinguished road


Please provide examples of these "logos" so we can see what your end product of this farce is. I would love to see it.

Personally (and i'm sure I speak for most designers here) I wouldn't get out of bed for $50 in a day. You could earn almost twice that flipping burgers at McDonald's. What exactly are you running here?

You are outsourcing (most likely behind your clients backs) logo jobs to designers? and for "beans" pay whilst probably pocketing very large profits doing so, and producing what could only possibly be mediocre logos at best.

This kind of "crap" (for lack of a better word) is seriously killing the industry. It reminds me of 99designs and the like. Why don't you get a talented young designer who lives in Perth to come and work for your company full time, and pay him like he should be paid?

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