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11-16-2010, 10:01 PM
Safia Abdalla is offline Safia Abdalla
Status: I'm new around here
Join date: Nov 2010
Location: Chicago
Expertise: programming, design
Software: PyScripter,Ubuntu
Posts: 1
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Safia Abdalla is on a distinguished road


I would recommend Python. When looking for a simple programming language it is best to learn scripting languages. Python has lots of documentation and you can find a plentiful amount of examples. I am 14 and I managed to learn Python in a month. There is plenty you can do with the amount of knowledge that I have on Python, and trust me it is not a lot.


If you want to learn it, then
is the best start, Then Any books from Apress, I find their books the easiest to understand .
I disagree, I prefer