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12-07-2004, 05:39 PM
Anthony is offline Anthony
Status: Sin Binner
Join date: Jul 2004
Location: Yorkshire Coast - UK
Posts: 5,911
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Anthony is on a distinguished road

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Tuesday 7th December - College

College life is pretty good at the moment, apart from the amount of work I have to do, but hey we can't have it all. One thing is annoying me though.

At break times and after college we all tend to congregate at a bar called Carpé Diém, in the millenium square in Leeds. Now there are some really hot, nice, girls that come with us when we go there to chill out. Here's the bad part.

They all REALLY like me.....but not in any other way than just a friend, I'm the "Nice Guy" is really beginning to wind me up, as there's one of the group who I am really fond of.

Damn it, wake up and smell the Anthony!!!
