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07-07-2007, 06:20 PM
cbeley is offline cbeley
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Originally Posted by Blue Ire View Post
Ok champ, setup a widgetized side bar using sIFR without hacking the widget code. Oh, what's that? It isn't flexible enough? Noooo, you don't say!

Here is an easier one... set the widgets to use images for their titles (without individual classes)... What? Can't do that either? Oh my!

Include the blogroll via widgets, but instead call it "My Online Friends" What? You can't simply change the title? My, what a bummer, and here you said it was soooo flexible... ,

The one thing about TF is you can always count on people who don't have a clue to spout off (as if they actually know something) on things they know nothing about - it's called Dunning-Kruger syndrome.
Well, another thing about online forums is you can always count on someone to possibly prove you wrong or exploit you (like you brought up my site that I've been too lazy to fix for a while). Lets go down the list why don't we.

1. sIFR
Response: I'm assuming you are talking about what is at To tell you the truth, I never heard about it seems kind of neat and I like its backwards computability for browsers not supporting flash. Well, other than creating a plugin and or new widget yourself, you could check out You tell it the classes of the elements you wish to change to have a specific style and you are done. I haven't tried it though, so I can't say too much about it, but it seems pretty neat and very easy to use.

2. set the widgets to use images for their titles
Response: If you mean have background images with generated text (not text as part of the images), that's pretty easy to do with some styling magic. As for otherwise, each different kind of wigedt (or however you spell it...i've seen like 3 or 4 spellings now of it in this post :S) does have its own special classes which you can use to style them in CSS.'s not all perfect....hopefully it will be fixed in the next release. If you don't believe me though, activate wigets and notice the tags for the wiget items.

EDIT: I'm not completely sure what you mean by individual classes. You can easily change all of the titles background graphics for all of the widgets (I think i spelled it right finally) and you can do individual styling since the individual classes are there to begin with. Further explanation, if needed, would be nice.

3. but instead call it "My Online Friends"
WHAT?! YOU CAN'T?! Oh, your kidding! Of course your kidding. Steer yourself to your wordpress admin, then blog roll, then click edit next to some of the links. Create a new catagory, enable it for that link, and uncheck the original catagory. Wa-la! You changed the blog roll title. If you want to get rid of Blog Roll, and replace it with somethign else, make sure no links are in the blog roll catagory, and you will have affectively changed the title.

That's where I really got you :-P If you need a demonstration, i'll create one. Either way, it coulden't be easier, and with no modification to core files.

I have fairly effectively provided simple solutions that do not involve modification to core files for everything you have stated. Feel free to comment.

EDIT: Ohhhh, I missed one. Lets prove you wrong again with relatively simple solutions Though...this isen't as nice a solution I will admit, but it does allow the users to move them around and what not.

4. "3) Stressed about it? Say you want four links lists in four different places, all with different categories and titles... Can't do it with widgets... The links list will include them all."
Response: Well, first off, I have no tried this, but it should work (since it dosen't need to be in the loop...there shoulden't be a problem). After you have installed the php wigets plugin you can use the reference over at to have individual wigets for individual categories. Regardless, it still a fairly quick and simple solution. Also, you could always be the one to create a new wiget/plugin for having catagory specific blog rolls. You'd make a lot of people happy and or you could use it privately for your clients.

Anyways, I'm generally not someone to make a post about something I dont' feel I can defend. Well, that's it for now