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06-05-2007, 05:02 PM
Sam Granger is offline Sam Granger
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  Old  CSS2.0 by Bennett - CSS Gallery for sale!

CSS2.0 is a brand new website with a beautiful unique logo and design made by Bennett. I bought the logo and design from him not too long ago which I bought for $500 (I had someone bidding against me so I had to BIN).

I got Blue Ire to code the design for me. I integrated the design into Wordpress, however some pages still need adding! Also, the rating option still needs adding. At the moment, you can easily add new sites through the admin panel. I will give you a step to step guide on how you can accomplish this! If needed, I will help the new owner transfer the website to his web space.

What is included in this sale?
- The domain “”
- Logos and Design worth $500
- 1 Coded page by Blue Ire
- Wordpress skin files.

Where can I see the design, coded file and logos?
- The Design can be seen here:
- The Logos can be seen here:
- The coded file by Blue Ire can be seen here:
- The Wordpress files can be seen when you visit the homepage.

- OMG, you are selling! Why?!
Yes, that’s correct, I am selling CSS20! I need to get focused on other projects, that’s why I’m selling this babe!

- How much traffic does receive?
Very little, about 10 uniques a day.

- What about income?
Well, since barely receives any traffic, it hasn’t made a penny yet! I also haven’t bothered putting up ads etc… However, if you put enough time into this, it can be a nice money maker.

- When does the domain expire and what’s the registrar? expires on August the 15th. The domain is registered at Namecheap. If you don’t have a Namecheap account yet, you can get one for free!

- Where can I find the Logo & Design thread?

- My fingers hurt and I am too lazy to type in my URL bar. Could you post the link?
Sure thing, here you are:

Start bidding at: $100
BIN: $500 (limited time)