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08-11-2008, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by rsrobbins View Post
I think my post is being misunderstood. I am a professional ASP.NET web application developer. I have considerable expertise in programming, database design, security, and all the other technical aspects of web development. I am looking for web designers to collaborate with. However, most web designers don't know anything about ASP.NET and can't design for it. For example, they are not familiar with the web controls and have not developed any tricks for styling them.

ASP.NET 2.0 does provide excellent support for themes and web control skins but just try finding any decent looking examples. I've found the ASP.NET community to be completely uninterested in design. In fact, they are so into esoteric aspects of programming that they barely qualify as web developers. On the other hand, the design community is completely uninterested in ASP.NET. So there is no collaboration between these two camps.

If you are a web designer, specializing in designing for ASP.NET might prove to be a great opportunity for you because you'll have little competition. I've done considerable work figuring out how to style ASP.NET web sites but I need help creating something truly aesthetic. For example, I've worked with the CSS Friendly Control Adapters but I don't have any decent looking themes to work with except for a few Microsoft examples.
Hello rsrobbins

after about 1 and a half year i am back in this forum and have seen many changes. okay now lets go for your topic.....

it is unfortunate that php lovers hate .NET for its high development price or JAVA for its in depth kowledge requirement.some .NET lovers hate php or java same thing goes for JAVA developers as well. but i will better say the person who is dependend in only one language thats BAD!!! specialization and dependency are two different facts.....

anyway i understand your problem..... you want to say UI design its quite tricky and not user freindly in ASP.NET within VS 2005 or 08 IDE. I am giving you some idea you can visit my blog.

CSS is very very important in UI design. each and every thing (color layer div alignment) have to be within your css and call it through style tags.

I have use two IDE at a time while design .aspx MS Expression web 2.0 and ADOBE DW cs3. if you can find out my source and open it you may see many warnings there i forcedly included some tags within the html though they are not standard for XHTM.

alignment is a very big problem in design. you can find many blogs where profession UI designers come with nice solution. u know we do have google to search...