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01-20-2006, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by hjalmar
dont act like an ignorent yerk, just dont reply if you dont have anything to cotribute to the thread...
Actually i did have quite a bit more to say on the matter, but before i posted it i saw the quoted poster was only 15. So i editted down my post to a much more clear and concise way of expressing my thoughts on the statement and was just going to walk away from the topic.

Personally, my personal oppinion (to be clear, these are just my personal thoughts here), i believe these domain appraisal threads are worthless and detrimental to the forum. Someone posts a domain they just registered and a group of teenagers toss in their $0.02 about how it's worth $xxxxxxx and so on, someone with a bit more experience posts a dose of reality and the originaly poster defends his 'investment' while all the other 'appraisers' pat him on the back and assure him he made a good buy.

So now this fellow has dropped his hard earned $10 on a domain he thinks has instantly increased 100% of his original investment, and won't let it drop because hey, it's worth mid to high $xxx and i cant just let it go, even if i have no intention of developing it.

So say someone comes up with a great idea, and has the time, money and effort to realize his vision. He goes to register the domain, its taken, emails the owner, who wants mid to high $xxx for an undeveloped domain with no traffic because he read how sold for $14 million and he knows his domain is worth something too. So the guy goes and drops $10 on a different domain and builds a quality site, but there's still another worthless URL sitting on the web that 404's or says 'Coming Soon!' or whatever, wasting space on the internet.

It's not 1999 anymore, no one is going to register a domain so unbelievable and perfect that it's worth $xx+ right off the bat. Those were taken years ago. These threads just encourage squatting and the belief that domains have an instant ROI which is an ethos that should have died out years ago but is continually perpetrated by threads such as these.

Yes it could be a good domain, but ANY domain could be a good domain these days with some time and effort. Because this is such a helpful forum and excellent resource to people new to the web these threads are not only worthless, they're detrimental to helpfulness of this forum.

Once again these are my personal thoughts on the matter, that i think needed to be said and i'm really not trying to start a flame war or anything and hope i dont get banned for it. i'm just a regular poster like most everyone else here with a little know-how on the web who wants to help out when he can and be helped.

So sorry for writing a novel that probably didnt make any sense, but its been a long week. Robson please don't ban me i'll keep quiet from now on!