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11-26-2010, 06:35 PM
Artashes is offline Artashes
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Chris, when I mentioned labeling - the idea was for labeling to work in the community forums, not the marketplace. For example, our programming forum has many sub-forums on niche coding subjects. Merging them now into a single forum now would prove too chaotic and unorganized. If we could label threads before merging them, then we can all easily identify the main subject of the discussion, and should the need to separate them later on appear, it can easily be done as well.

As for the marketplace, I thought of DP of course, but I realized that merging them into one at this stage would be a bit difficult and without direct benefit (we won't end up having any less sub-forums) as most listings are still separated into two categories: PRODUCT or SERVICE.

Especially that we will be redesigning the marketplace completely in 2011.

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