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11-20-2009, 11:36 PM
ChrisGwynne is offline ChrisGwynne
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ChrisGwynne is on a distinguished road

  Old  Time = Money .... Or Maybe Not?

Maybe I live in a pre-historic time where time = money. At least that's what I always thought?

It makes me laugh when I get PMs off users asking me for a quote to code a design, I specify my rates and then they come back with.. "sorry I'm not looking to pay that much" or "I can get it done for $10"... Like, seriously, if you're looking for a ten year old to do your work, go for it, maybe they'll do an amazing job... and maybe they won't. The fact of the matter is, they nor you understand the concepts of time and self worth.

Maybe I should start adding, if you're thinking of under $xxx amount don't even bother. And then defer them to the nearest cheap as chips coder?

What do you think?

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