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04-26-2007, 03:39 PM
ANMMark is offline ANMMark
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Originally Posted by Andrew R
Well, with me, I usually leave MSN online almost 24/7, without putting "Busy" on or anything.. so maybe that's what happened?
Well I know that I have done this quite a few times with TFL. I would open a page, and it would sit there. I would forget about it, etc all night long from 5PM ET on until the next morning.

When I would come in the morning, I would find PMs from Mr. Justus from 2 and 3AM saying "I know you're online. I can see you online. I'm waiting..."

So maybe it's fair to assume he actually is online.

In any case, I find the whole scenerio to be a sad one. I know for one, I came here wanting to get involved in this community, and offer a gift so to speak as a way of introducing myself. My first experience with that was 2 members throwing it back in my face. One of which was Mr. Justus.

Now I see that it's not just me getting it, and have to wonder how many more members have to experience this before people just start saying "Forget it, it's not worth it" and walk away.

I'll acknowledge that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you cannot please some people sometimes, but the extent that Mr. Justus takes his disatisfaction borders psychotic.

I can say however, that when Ron acts this way torwards a member, and sends threats like he has, he must first sit back and ask himself, "Who is this person I'm threatening?", "Should I be threatening this particular person?", and "What is this person capable of?"