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06-20-2006, 08:11 PM
KW802 is offline KW802
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  Old  [Wanted] vBulletin Skinner

Summer is here, time to clean house....

I'm looking for a vBulletin skinner to work some of the designs that I have laying around. The ground rules are...

- I know about Aros and have used him in the past but I'm always on the lookout for resources. In particular, somebody who does basic graphics and coding is always a well sought resource.

- The slicing must be done using PhotoShop's Slice tool! I can not emphasis that one enough. The slicing must be done using PhotoShop's Slice tool! I know some of you guys/gals disagree on that requirement but I have my own requirements.

- Your code must be XHTML compliant.

- Coding must be done using the current gold version of vBulletin (3.5.4).

- When you are done there should be no stock buttons or icons left! If a particular icon or button does not already exist in the PSD then you'll either need to create one using an existing button/icon or alert me to it so I can get it taken care of. I do not want to be delivered a package at the end that has stock icons and/or buttons in it and you not say anything about it.

- Your coding must be able to handle either a fixed or fluid width and the width is to be controlled through the style manager width value, no hard coded values in the header template, etc..

- All category titles, thread titles, etcetera must be able to handle a variable length. That means if the design has something like "***[ Title ]***" then your slicing should be to the end of the first bracket, then a background image for the title cell, and then the second bracket onward & so on. The end result should be that if somebody does "This is a really long thread title" then the left & right bracket would accomodate the long title instead of the title wrapping inside of a tiny cell the length of "Title" nor should it display on top of the brackets.

- I'm willing to go with somebody who has less experience but your quote should reflect your level of experience and you should have at least one or two prior coding examples to show me if you're new. What that means is that if your quote is rather high then I would expect to see a rather large portfolio of past projects but if you can only show a couple of prior projects then your quote should be reflective of that.

- {reserved for future thoughts }

Please either PM me here or email at -- In your communications please be sure to list your level of experience, some sample projects for me to review, and estimated pricing.