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09-20-2005, 03:51 PM
Wish is offline Wish
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Originally Posted by Salathe
Nice work, but in my view could be better with a few modifications.

To be quite honest, I don't think that the white stroke on the test tube and bubbles of the last (and best) prototype are doing the piece any justice. Try a version without those strokes.

Also work on the typography (name and slogan) as it is just not sitting very well. The slogan is too close to the site name, and could do with some more contrast (remove the gradient and use just the light blue colour?)

As with any logo, the acid test is to remove all fancy presentational techniques. Try your last logo but in simple white-on-black to see how it all works together. Try playing around with the slogan because as it stands at the moment, it is putting the whole thing out of balance (visual weight) to the left. There is alot happening on the left (big, strong logo) which is continued through the big, bold site name but continue right and it all fizzles out into the light-weighted slogan.

My suggestion? Make "Fusion 64" the same vertical height at the white box sitting underneath the test tube and obviously increase its width accordingly. This gives you enough room to push the slogan completely beneath this new standalone graphic+name group. You'll also notice that the slogan is roughly (play about a little) the same width as the graphic+name group which puts things into a much better balance as in the attached diagram. (Sorry, but I like sketching out diagrams.)
Now you don't often get feedback like that, go Salathe