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09-19-2005, 07:13 PM
FlashPearls is offline FlashPearls
Status: I'm new around here
Join date: Sep 2005
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FlashPearls is on a distinguished road


Wii, if you're looking to showcase websites that are either CSS-based OR Flash-based, you'll probably have to offer some additional unique features to give users a reason to visit your website as opposed to their favorite individual CSS and Flash showcase websites. As far as CSS sites go, CSS Beauty, Stylegala, and CSS Vault are well established with active communities, so it would be difficult to attract visitors to your site from the CSS community if all you have to offer them is another CSS showcase. Perhaps you may want to only showcase CSS and Flash sites from your area of the globe. That would at least give you a niche.

If you're looking to showcase websites that are created with BOTH CSS AND Flash, then I can speak from experience that it will be difficult to find fresh content. When I launched Flash Pearls last May, my goal was (and still is) for it to eventually become a showcase for Flash sites that incorporate CSS and web standards. I knew it would be difficult to find sites that fit that criterion, so I have made it a Flash showcase and I give special recognition to those that support web standards. As of right now, I've showcased 103 websites, and only *5* support standards. I know there are older websites I could add to increase that number, but I want to keep my content fresh, and finding new Flash/CSS websites has proven to be difficult.

I think the key to a successful showcase website (and business for that matter) is a niche. That's what I'm trying to do with Flash Pearls (keyword there is "trying" ). It's a lot easier, and a better asset to the design community, to fill an empty niche than to try to directly compete with what's already out there.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do!