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09-07-2005, 04:07 PM
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  Old  In page HTML editor

I've been trying out a few in-page HTML editors for my company to integrate into their existing CMS as they are currently using an old Microsoft one which outputs ugly code... not helpful while I'm in the process of converting several thousand pages to standards compliant XHTML/CSS.

So I thought I'd call upon everyones knowledge as to which solutions they've tried.

Requirements... Java based, (everything is run on Sun servers)
  • Outputs clean/valid code
  • Ability to insert Flash, and to change the way Flash is inserted to incorporate the Flash Satay method
  • XML & XSL customizable so I can control what tags are used and which users have access to what... this also needs to include toolbar customization and multiple user groups
  • No styles inserted inline... I want to control everything via an external stylesheet - the same one as will control the pages... This way the users can enter specific options which I will have pre-assigned through the stylesheet and they will see them as they will appear on the page.
  • Complete cleansing of documents pasted from Word to plain text forcing the editors to re-format the articles using the in-page HTML editor.

My favorite so far has been xStandard but there isn't a Java version available and the company are not up for using an ActiveX/Java bridge.

At the moment it's down to two contenders:

edit-on Pro: this seems pretty good but the Word import isn't too hot... I've been able to make it produce some pretty nasty code just by pasting Word documents in.

EditLive: I've only just started looking at this one and once again have managed to output some messy code by pasting Word documents.

Has anyone had any experience with either of these or do you have any recommendations as to other solutions to check out.
