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06-18-2011, 09:55 AM
Mattlav is offline Mattlav
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Location: United Kingdom
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Mattlav is on a distinguished road

  Old  Timeout- Computer Automation- an untapped Windows Software niche Unique!

Info About the Software:

What actually does it do?

Time-Out is a interesting and unique software concept that automates your computer software/hardware. This means your computer will do what you want, when you want and wont involve you waiting around for this to happen.

Situations you may use Time-Out?

Your waiting for a download to finish, you have to go out/ leave your pc: Time-Out once setup will shutdown your pc or even close the browser/download program for you at a set time and even date.
Your virus scanning your pc and know it will finish within 2 hours: Time-Out is able to close the antivirus for you so your pc has more processing power to continue with other tasks.
You want to control the amount of time spent on a certain application and change to do something else: such as you want to get off facebook (browser) and do some work (Word processor)- Time-Out once setup will make this happen and open/close each application at a set time/date.

I have integrated "Wybuild" an easy updater program.. so the software is fully evolvable via your customers initial install.


Program is integrated with a good program to manage the licenses and wont be hacked (its a file you need to send to the users so pretty secure!)

What do you get?
  • Domain ( in paid (still has about a year on it)
  • Source Code Of The Software programmed in C# .net (Requires MS Visual Studio)
  • Exclusive rights to everything!
  • Help to copy/setup on server if you wish (also help/instructions how to update etc)
Contact me

Skype : mattlav (current pc doesnt have a mic actually so might be text based chat depending on what pc im on)
Email : (windows live messenger)

So why sell it?

Well i just started a new project based on advertising so need the server space, also timeout was very much a personal project i spent about a year on and off programming based on my idea and then i realise wow this is unique the isnt actually any other softwares focusing on computer automation, so its a perfect start up for someone!

Not to mention I got exams and various other commitments.

sales on my main company site have been about 30/40 licensees.. (can screen shot licensing program to prove this)

Also had a couple of high paid clicks via adsense!

But im being honest in saying revenue is low and is basically a startup for someone (hence the "new" site category on here)

Traffic had a good kickstart (i had this listed on my company site previous to this site.. so all i had to do was update the links and now the traffic is building up good)

Traffic shot 1:

Traffic shot2:

Traffic shots from "awstats" on server were captured as of 3rd may 2011 will update them later on to show latest.. just a guide


Well i need the space on my server urgently.. so buyer will get it all for about $400