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12-12-2010, 11:53 AM
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  Old  javascript is cool ^_^

Originally Posted by shaddow318 View Post

I'm currently trying to learn Javascript, but I find a lot of the language is the same as Java programming. It is hard to sit and work through examples, because I'm already advanced in Java programming. I don't know if it is even worth it to go through an entire book on javascript or should I just try to learn on the fly. I understand most of the basic concepts of programming except recursion. What are your thoughts people?
JavaScript is "Scheme in Java syntax".
It a functional language with prototypal OOP.
Most books on javascript are useless / wrong / harmfull.
Learning on the fly will get you nowhere.
Recursion is very basic programming concept. Without understanding it, you cannot claim to be a programmer. Try reading anything on subject. (at least Wikipedia)
To find out more about JS start with Crockford's into:

He has links to other articles, his YUI videos, and recommended books.

I hope this answers your question.

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