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08-26-2010, 06:11 PM
Jordan is offline Jordan
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Jordan is on a distinguished road


THANK YOU for skipping over 4design. They're work is very outdated in terms of what they still produce today. Sorry triadink but your own forum's design is testament to that.. but I know you prefer styles that were more suited for say 2003-5 versus what is produced in 2010.

That being said: I honestly don't like anything from at all. I looked over the portfolio and it just had nothing that I'd want to see right now. It just seems to be another designer who hasn't branched himself off to what people want to see these days. I see icky, stiff gradients; 6pt verdana on his own site?! Granted it's used in images but that is ridiculous. I see no real attention (or care) for right type for heading and content. Sure arial, verdana and tahoma are nice but a variety would set things apart and really give it more depth. His work looks so flat.

Frankly, I'd rather use the default vB4 skin and just toss up userstyles to change 100% and whatnot.

Honestly, why not take a gander over on Dribbble? The work produced there is almost fantastic and.. I would love to see TFL go the route of what some of them produce!

(Those aren't recommendations of people to go with--more just enjoy in terms of style or color scheme.) Although.. If I had to recommend anyone, I'd say Matt because I've always loved the work he pumps out and he's got a keen eye for color schemes and patterns

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