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11-18-2008, 10:42 PM
deceased10 is offline deceased10
Status: Junior Member
Join date: Mar 2008
Posts: 74
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deceased10 is on a distinguished road


Hello, I am looking to make some tutorials for a site. I make my tutorials using a screen capturing program I bought and a microphone. I can make tutorials on the following programs.

- Adob Photoshop
- Adobe Affter Effects
- Adobe Illustrator
- Sony Vegas

My strongest program is photoshop, I make websites, signatures, banners etc.. and is the programe I use the most, After Effects would be my second strongest, I enjoy using this program, making introductions for movies etc... Adobe Illustrator is similar to photoshop so I am pretty good with it aswell, Sony Vegas would have to be my weakest programe as I have not used it to much but can teach the basics.

Now I make my tutorials in a timely fashion, I will make sure to have the tutorials made when you want them. I also make sure to make few errors in my speech and comunicate well, my voice is easy to understand.

Also with each site I make tutorials for I make a little intro to advertise their site. Here is an example of a tutorial I made.

Price: I will make tutorials for 20-30$ each or if you buy alot, like in bulk I could offer a deal/Discount. You will get full rights to the video.

Contact me:

AIM: Deceased10

I prefer it if you add me on msn or email me.

Thank you
