Thread: McCain's new VP
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08-29-2008, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by okaymatt View Post
When the company is a SHOOTING RANGE, smart one, it determines A LOT!

Think about guns = people going to shooting range, no guns = no shooting range's.

One issue? This is a HUGE ISSUE smart one. Think about how many people this would effect. And yes, I am 19.
I said it once and I said it again: If you think that by not voting for Obama simply because of his stance on guns, and what he plans on doing, then you're a moron. That's almost akin to someone saying that they're not voting for Obama because he's black. It's stupid as ****.

So before you go further on your ****-poor mathematical equations telling me what equals what, get off the gun high-horse and give me other legitimate reasons to not vote for someone. If you're going to keep coming back here with the gun thing, don't waste your time.

And yes, I am quite smart, thanks for the compliments kiddo.