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02-20-2008, 05:13 PM
Alex Eyre is offline Alex Eyre
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  Old  Suggest a payment method?

Evening All,

I am in need of a bit of financial advice, specifically regarding a way to pass over my hurdles and complete the objectives. I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to banking, but I understand small terminology such as 'money' and 'funds' .

The problems I face are few, though important and restricitve. I'm 16 and hold a paypal account; I am well aware of the limit on holding one, but feel that without one there would be absolutely no way to achieve what I need to. With being 16, in the United Kingdom I cannot apply for a credit or debit card, however I have setup bank funding in PayPal and my account is now verified.

I need a system that will allow me to recieve money (selling tickets) and then be able to payout money into other peoples accounts (paypal) based on what they have earn't from the event they have hosted. Just a few questions and then I will shutup;
  1. Is this possible with paypal?
    *I do realise the PHP etc. involved, I am talking purely on an account to account basis.
  1. Which of PayPal's Merchant tools will I require to do the above?
  1. Is it worth using PayPal's Virtual Terminal as well, to provide an un automated solution of the net, and take phone orders?

Thanks for your time,