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06-30-2005, 09:15 PM
derek lapp is offline derek lapp
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derek lapp is on a distinguished road


Originally Posted by Bazza`
There is a reason Microsoft is more popular than Apple you know and its not because MicroSoft took Apples' GUI idea that was something that would have always came along it wouldn't have took a geniuos to pioneer that idea would it?

Fact is without Microsoft most software would not be as powerfull and stable as they are today, which in turn would would lead to less developed hardware (whats the point in making advanced hardware if the programmes dont need it?)
microsoft is more propular because the majority of computer users aren't cosnidered much above computer literate. They can use word processcors and parts of the internet.

Microsoft engineered (in the later years anyways) windows as the common person's OS. Windows is now designed for the average joe slop to peak at checking his email and surfing the net on IE. It's designed for a personal atmosphere. XP is completely idiot proofed (almost).

Macs are designed for a profesissional/business environment. They don't have massive program/game support because WoW doesn't belong at work unless you work for blizzard.

Without microsoft people who don't NEED computers wouldn't have them. (see 13 yr old kids who just want msn & to be leet in counterstrike).

without microsoft, today software wouldn't be engineered towards windows as the primary OS and many people who shouldn't be ung computeres wouldn't be. this is just my opnion.

i agree microsoft has made a major impact on the computer industry, but if they hadn't someone else would have. don't give them TOO much credit.