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10-28-2007, 04:32 AM
patrickPaul is offline patrickPaul
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  Old  Should I get a Mac

Alrighty, the thread title sums a lot of it up, but let me lay down some ground rules for this discussion.

This isn't a chance to say "Macs suck because that's what everyone says" or "I've been using Macs and wouldn't switch to a PC because it's ugly." I am in legitimate need of advice from people who have had proper experience with both types of computers.

I have been a Windows user since my first PC, although I have always admired the Macintosh interface. For compatibility reasons, however, I never saw the switch as one which would be seamless. However, these days it seems as though Macs are less limited in what they can do and would actually be very busy to work alongside a Windows machine. In fact, I'd love to have a setup running Mac OS X Leopard as well as Windows Vista - is this possible yet?

A lot of the software I use is already available... Firefox, Adobe Products, Microsoft Office (I'm loving 2008 previews), Zend Studio, etc... However, are there any key points I'm missing? I'm more of a developer but I do enjoy doing some designing and video editing, which I have heard Macs have an edge on.

I'm looking at the Mac Book Pro 2.4Ghz and comparing it to (most likely) a Dell Vistro or other comparable Windows notebook.

Lastly this is not a "you should switch" thread, I'll make that decision for myself. Rather this is a "here are some things I like about X, here are some things I dislike about X"

Thank you and I look forward to hearing some suggestions, I'm very stuck!!

Best Regards,