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07-17-2007, 01:45 AM
Christian is offline Christian
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Originally Posted by .amaZe View Post
Welcome to the Industry, and very nice site and icons.

But, I have some critiques...

1. When I am in "Why Swivel?", then I switch to "Support" the link disappears, maybe you should remake a new image, and replace the "Why Swivel?" when "Support" is clicked?
2. "Support" is in Why Swivel and Company?
3. When I clicked "Company" I saw the company details, and then clicked Contact, then the contact form popped up. Then once I clicked the "Company" link in the header to reload the page, the contact form remains, until I click the "Company" image.
4. Order buttons should be click able.*It can and will decrease sales.
5. Plan Comparison page is a must. *It can and will decrease sales, seeing as most consumers would like to see what the plans have in common, and what is missing.
6. The site looks rushed? For instance, the content isn't heavy? There is no Terms Page, Legal Page, the current pages look plain.

Not trying, to be me rough or anything.

I agree with Chaos King, the illustration is amazing, and I like how all the icons are custom and not the overused famfam ones (nixism's lol). On top of that, I also like your use of javascript, I believe?
Thanks for the critiques, the ToS, and All that is displayed when you are placing your order (you have to read it, then click I accept) however your right there should be a legal page on the site before a customer orders, I agree with all of you about the order button, I will talk to blue ire and see if he can do that, as for having to click "company" again, the site uses cookies to store which tabs you have open. As for the content, I had hired someone to do my content but he split, so I did it myself with the help of a few other people.

Thanks everyone .