Thread: Warning: Xuxa
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06-20-2007, 04:59 PM
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  Old  Warning: Xuxa

I am sure many of you have used this Xuxa before and had a fine experience. I was fooled by his portfolio. Looks nice right? Nice professional portfolio, got a few good clients right? But the truth is, you are dealing with a (just) 15 year old who is not able to:

a) provide what he quotes for
b) stick to his turnaround time
c) provide the offered refund

& before I continue, I have no problem with age, I am young myself. It's incompetence I cannot tolerate.

So what happened? I posted a request in the programming forums...HE CAME TO ME, after getting a chance to read the quote. You'd kind of think he'd be smart enough to make sure he could actually do this. For those of you interested, it was a custom PHP quote.

After negotiation on the price, we came to an agreement. $45 including paypal fees. $20 inc paypal fees upfront, and $25 on completion (inc paypal fees) and turnaround time "Tomorrow, and it will most probably be done tonight" Payment was sent straight away.

He messed me about, and changed the turnaround time numerous times. After one occasion, he claimed it would be completed and I would not have to pay the other deposit, nice gesture I thought. Then I wanted another small feature, as he had been taking so long he offered it for free.

So I would now be getting it all for $21.02, ok nice, I appreciate he cares.

Well I guess he doesn't...Up to 2 and a bit weeks, after nagging he has done minimal amounts but not completed it. I demanded a full refund and tell him I don't want his files, I have hired someone else. He says ok, I get the impression he was glad that he wouldn't have to finish it (The whole experience gave me the impression he was lazy)

"I don't have the money now, I will send it on Tuesday"

For reference, this was Tuesday as in yesterday. This refund was offered Friday. I said I wanted $30 refund instead of $21.02 because of the inconvience he has caused me (Nearly 3 weeks of messing about when I needed it urgently and making me wait for the refund). He agreed, and I thought ok, maybe he's not so bad after all.

Till today... He didn't contact me yesterday about the refund or send it as promised. He came online today, and has told me he will not refund the agreed $30, just the $21.02. Fine, I don't care. He just lost alot of business.

At one point he even tried to trick me into thinking his .htaccess login was a PHP login by writing 'PHP Secured' as the title when it popped up...but yeah i'm stupid right?

So let's see now, will he be man enough to refund the now agreed $21.02? I very much doubt it, and I will keep you all updated

I recommend to you as of this day Village Idiot and Wildhoney (as I am sure most of you are aware are the best in the business here)

Have a good day.