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03-27-2007, 04:23 PM
localhost is offline localhost
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localhost is on a distinguished road


What do you mean, The other Admin was your friend?

That really wouldn't be good for you.. To have a friend turn against you like that, if he was do you personally know him or just over the internet.. I would never trust someone over the internet with that much.

I could see you were getting happy clients until this happened so you must be a pretty good host its just the other guy really has put the hosting down. i think possibly if you want to start successfully again, get your own server, Write down how you want to host (proxies etc.) then brainstorm and get started. Start out with a completely unique design and I will give you help free if you need it, I feel sorry for you.

The new server - Make sure you are just paying and you are paying the full price for it becuase then there isn't much can go wrong and then the company shouldn't go against you if you are using it within their tos and properly.

I also think that you should start off with just you becuase you can trust yourself I hope. Don't be silly and immature and always take it seriously, As I can see you have been hacked.. I feel for you.. and you probably are really angry which is making you say things you wish you didn't say.

Just be happy, Don't let the other guy get away with this.

Please unblock me on msn.
