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07-30-2004, 12:22 AM
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well untill i get on the professional side (which i guess it is since your being paid to do it in a wage) instead of freelancing i cant comment but i feel that being a professional has the reliablity but theres always a time where you might be fired then your screwed, professionals also may start to get board thats why i think many webdesigners go backpacking lol, just imagine yourself getting things into a rythem it would get teadious.

freelance the only issues i see are legal, payment and finding the jobs.
freelancing is a thrill really uve gotta explain yourself if your later deal with everything yourself even though you cant. also give you more time cause if you get your time management right you can spend time with family, work from home, go to work naked lol.

i think the best way is to just keep popping in and out of each one.
its all up to the indervidual