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02-11-2007, 06:36 PM
Adam S. is offline Adam S.
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  Old  Chances of success with...

I've been developing my own forum software for the past month and it's coming along great and everything is working as planned. It has alot of the features you see in vBulletin as standard features, but there are few other ones that come as standard and bit different then the others.

- Instant Private Messaging
- Free image hosting per user (on/off)
- Friends list/ignor user
- Latest announcement on top of the forum (on/off)
- CMS - news, latest threads, etc. (on/off)
- Easy skinning ability

My pricing I'm looking at is $50 USD per year for lease, $110 USD for an owned license.

I'm just wondering if there's any chance of this being a success as and if you any of you have suggestions for features.