Thread: Contests Forum
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10-19-2006, 10:44 PM
Bazza` is offline Bazza`
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Originally Posted by Salathe
Another idea: allow mini-contests. By that I mean those little events just for fun which can be instigated by members or staff. Little fun things that anyone can enter taking as little or as much time over it as they want to give. Signatures, photo captions, creative code snippets, etc.
That actually sounds like it could be quite fun - I think it should probably be kept away from the more formal contests but yeah if it generated enough interest that could be a nice idea. It could also be used to allow members to take part in the "graphic chain" ideas that have been going around too.

I will look into the way yaxay submitted contests and will also lok at designoutpost as I have never seen how they do the contests. Thanks for the suggestions you two