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10-14-2006, 05:42 PM
DateinaDash is offline DateinaDash
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DateinaDash is on a distinguished road


was the owner, I was here to deal with questions and complaints and to help think of promotions and competitions such as the christmas contest we ran last year, Patrick was here for fixing things and upgrades... we all had jobs to do.
Nail on the head really...

The staff team isn't very diverse, in reality, Big Zee is just the owner, he isn't part of the community, he doesn't post, but he should because that's the only way people are going to respect him. Lead from the top, if no one sees the owner participating, the staff won't put in 1/2 as much into their role.

Julian,, Bazza, Bennett are great moderators. This is what they do. Julian has so far proved to be a fairly poor administator, with a few botched decisions causing alot of controvosy in the community. Firstly, he started the "website of the week", people entered and spent alot of time and then it just died on it's feet....then there was the banning of Anthony (second highest poster and founder) that caused uproar including a rival forum being started, and now the latest "super moderators" fiasco.

There are no programmers/vb experts on the team, when things need to be done, there is no one available to do it. I had patrickpaul on tf and when there was an issue or a feature request I got it done. So far we've seen hakeem and some other guy, both who didn't do anything! What happened? Nothing. The vb upgrade was first discussed 10 months ago.

Obviously I can't run the promotions I used to because it's not my forum, I don't have money available to me, plus I personally feel...."what's the point?" Big Zee takes everything to Julian, he asks him about what should be done.

What really needs to happen is, bring in someone like Aros, former admin here actually....he would be more use than half the new mods.

I'm not going to say anything else on this, i'll wait for a reply..I don't suspect we'll hear anything till Monday, the admins don't work weekends.